Sexual Health

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Reclaim Your Vitality

Sexual Health Matters at Luxe Vitality

At Luxe Vitality, we get it – sexual health is very important to your and your spouse’s overall well-being. As the years roll on, you might see shifts in your sexual mojo, how you perform, or the pleasure you feel. Talking about these changes can feel tricky and uncomfortable- but hey, it’s all part of the ride. Swing by our clinic in Pompano Beach, FL – it’s a chill spot where you can chat about these things with our top-notch team and learn about how to enhance your sexual health today.

Our Signature Sexual Health Treatments

Pulse Wave Therapy​

Using the eVive pulse wave device, sound waves are used to improve sexual function in men & women

The Man Shot​

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments are utilized to enhance male sexual health and experience.

Vaginal PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments are being utilized to enhance female sexual health and experience.


Women can effectively treat urine incontinence, improving libido, and increasing the pleasure of orgasms with a series of ThermiVa sessions. Using radio frequency energy, a small wand heats the vaginal & labial tissues to restore the youthfulness look and feel she desires.

The Importance of Addressing Sexual Health

Sexual health plays a vital role in your holistic well-being, encompassing aspects of physical, emotional, and your overall health of your relationship. At Luxe Vitality, we are dedicated to openly addressing and resolving sexual health concerns. Our innovative treatments not only enhance sexual function but also boost your confidence and elevate your overall quality of life, fostering a profound sense of well-being and fulfillment.

Schedule Your Confidential Consultation

Ready to enhance and revitalize your sexual vitality? Take the first step by booking a personalized consultation with our expert team at Luxe Vitality. During the chat, we’ll delve into your specific symptoms, aspirations, and challenges, exploring tailored solutions to empower you towards a more satisfying and fulfilling intimate life.